If you haven’t had a chance to RSVP for the reunion dinner on Saturday April 5th, there’s still time!
We have reserved the Faculty Club on the UCSD campus in La Jolla.
The celebration gets underway at 6:00 pm with a lovely hosted cocktail reception and great hors d’oeuvres followed by a first-class plated sit-down dinner. Entrée choices include Grilled Tri Tip of Beef, Chicken Picatta, and Seared Salmon – a bargain at $75 per person! (There will be a special fun-room and dinner for children, hosted at no charge by UCSD staff.)
All UCI oarsmen and coaches are attending as our guests. Whether or not you can personally attend the reunion, you can be there in spirit by sponsoring one or more oarsmen.
We have a race-course hospitality tent across the turf from SDCC beer garden. The tent is a joint enterprise with UCLA crew alumni. Catered continental breakfast and BBQ lunch both days. Lunch includes Kirksey’s famous chili! Tickets $7.50 for breakfast, $12.50 for lunch, may be purchased on-site. Oom-pah band on Saturday for entertainment between races.
Check http://crewclassic.org/ for SD Crew Classic event details, schedules, admission, parking, hotels, etc.
See you at the Races!
Duvall Hecht
Chief of Stewards, Friends of UCI Rowing
NOTE: Please email your RSVP soonest (including number of guests and/or number of oarsmen you would like to sponsor) to Mary Ann Mahoney, Administrative Assistant to the Board. Mary Ann’s email address is: [email protected]