Special Donation – Henley Royal Regatta 2018 Fundraiser


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For the first time in nearly 40 years, UCI is sending a boat to the Henley Royal Regatta in London, England!  A trip to the Henley Royal Regatta is a phenomenal opportunity for our athletes to demonstrate the success they’ve achieved on the water this year. With your generosity, they can showcase their talent on the international stage.

These student-athletes have been working and training hard all year to have this rare opportunity… will you help send them on their way?

Your contribution goes directly towards the travel expenses for 6 oarsmen (Connor Basile, Joshua Anderson, Matt Gill, Khalid Elassaad, Denver Cohen, Cole McGuire), their coxswain (Alyssa Ford) and Coach Brooks to go to the Henley Royal Regatta, scheduled for July 4-8, 2018. Expenses include:

  • Airfare
  • Accommodations
  • Racing fees
  • Boat rentals
  • Car rental
  • Daily meal stipends
  • And no Henley crew would be proper without matching rowing blazers!

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For the first time in nearly 40 years, UCI is sending a boat to the Henley Royal Regatta!  This is a tremendous accomplishment and reflects UC Irvine Rowing’s historic ability to find ways to do more with less. Henley is the world’s most famous rowing regatta and has the second largest viewing audience in the UK behind only Wimbledon.

These student-athletes have been working and training hard all year to have this rare opportunity.  We are entering a 4+ to the Prince Albert Challenge Cup, crewed by UCI-trained walk-on oarsmen from multiple classes, freshman to seniors. Reflecting the growing success of our program, this crew is made up of All-Americans and Gold Medal winners from both WIRA (Western Intercollegiate Rowing Association) and ACRA (American Collegiate Rowing Association) regattas. This is an exciting time for UCI Rowing as the program is seeing tremendous growth and new opportunities under coach AJ Brooks.  

UCI Crew is going places and we need your help!  

Here’s a hype video from last year’s regatta to show more of the grand spectacle this event has to offer:

Friends of UCI Rowing is a 501(c)(3) charity, where any donations not in exchange for goods and services are tax deductible.
When you add a donation amount to your cart, you will be presented with various payment methods. There is a fee to send money as a personal payment using a debit card or credit card with PayPal or Stripe. The fee in the U.S. is roughly 3%. For example, if you make a donation of $100, FoUCIR will receive a deposit of $97, and the bank will take $3.