I would like to give to: _______________________

The Friends of UC Irvine Rowing Expenditure Account supports the annual operation budget including equipment, travel, race fees, and miscellaneous costs.

Team 100 was created just two years ago and we already have 32 members. Team 100 is 100 alumni, friends, and supporters who are willing to match the annual commitment of a rower at UCI. That commitment is $1,500.00 a year.

Imagine you have been training all year, and you have just found the stride of your crew and BAM, COVID-19 terminated your on the water season. As you would expect, rowers at UC Irvine are resourceful and a few of our exceptional student athletes have found a way to continue their academic-athletic career at the university. This year came with unexpected costs, let’s do our part and help our athletes financially so they can focus their efforts training and winning in the classroom.